
Industry Expert Faculty


We are proud to have industry-expert faculty members who are FRM@/CFA/PRM certified and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the classroom.

With their extensive industry backgrounds and deep understanding of the FRM® curriculum, our faculty members are well-equipped to guide candidates towards success.

Our faculty's excellent teaching style ensures that complex concepts are presented in a clear and engaging manner.


They go beyond textbook explanations, highlighting the intricate connections between theory & practice.


By drawing on real-world examples and case studies, they help candidates grasp the practical implications of the concepts they learn, perspectives that go beyond the syllabus.


They inspire and motivate students to think critically and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.


When you learn from our industry expert faculty, you can be confident that you are receiving top-quality education that prepared you for the challenges and opportunities in the field of FRM®.